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【 物 構築 Object Construction】林安常個人展覽 Lin An-Chan Solo Exhibition

寒城暖光 樟木、壓克力上色 17*33*40cm 2018

寒城暖光 樟木、壓克力上色 17*33*40cm 2018





・The relationship between human and nature
This series of animals and architecture, Lin An Chan uses the word “image bearing” as the name of this series. In this series, the relationship between land and building, labor and nature is discussed. Built on animals that symbolize the land, and the buildings represent the history of a certain place and what happened here, because the land of Taiwan has experienced many different cultural baptisms in just a few hundred years. The background made him want to put a corner of history into his creation.
In such an idea, the role played by the animal represents the land that carries the architecture and civilization and culture. In terms of form, the more sensible knife method is used to present the soft and changeable face of the land. The sharp lines of processing, in Lin An Chan's creative vocabulary, often deal with the images presented by the works in relative expressions or forms, in this series is no exception, using architecture and animals, human and nature, reason and sensibility as the relative of the picture and the content.

・Wood’s rabbet and material
Mosaic and rabbet have a direct and important position in this series. Since the building is built on the land, the mosaic becomes a fairly direct transformation in this source, which is used to correspond to it and formally dealing with relativity, in the work done after the comparison, the use of wood inlay and splicing is more than the previous creation, in order to make the material and skill of the wood more prominent to explains the importance of wood for creation.
In this series of works, from focusing on the vocabulary presented by the image until recently, Lin An Chang focused on the processing and performance of materials. The difference in the content caused by the content and form the work has always been his concern. Focus, through different techniques for highlighting wood quality, allows some traditional methods to be used in the artist's work, to make the picture closer to the things he cares about, and to reflect on the land through his own creation. The memories and traces that have been carried.