黃敏俊 「狗 Happy」雕塑系列
In addition to represent the real color light on the canvas, Huang also makes sculptures which are in-between figurative form and semi-figurine form. The artist’s pet Yorkshire dog, Happy, became the model as this series of work. His delicate observation of the dog's character and behavior could be seen from his works. Whether its proud face or a lazy cosy posture, are all well noticed by the artist. By using a variety of performance techniques such as oil paint, stainless steel with hair line finish or minute finish, it is noticeable that the different vivid expressions and nature of the dog as well as the similarities out of the differences between human beings and dogs. The intimate emotional connection established by mutual company is warm and strong. In this Happy sculpture series, we seem to have a glimpse of the happy hour of the artist and Happy.
按兵不動 Hold off
33 x 31 x 22.5 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼 Stainless steel 2013
我好閒 I'm quite free
42 x 26 x 24 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼/不鏽鋼鍍鈦 Stainless steel / Stainless steel plate with titanium 2016
按兵不動 Hold off
33 x 31 x 22.5 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼 Stainless steel 2013
得意 complacent
31 x 30 x 33 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼/不鏽鋼鍍鈦 Stainless steel / Stainless steel plate with titanium 2017
我好閒 I'm quite free
42 x 26 x 24 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼/不鏽鋼鍍鈦 Stainless steel / Stainless steel plate with titanium 2016
裝可愛 Acting cute
30 x 26 x 25 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼 Stainless steel 2013
得意 complacent
31 x 30 x 33 cm | Ed. 12
不鏽鋼/不鏽鋼鍍鈦 Stainless steel / Stainless steel plate with titanium 2017