黃敏俊 2017 「溫度/蓮荷」系列
The Lotus Field beside Huang’s studio in Guanyin district, Taoyuan is one of his long-term observation objects. The lotuses are portrayed most vividly under his pen in different timings and seasons. However, Taiwan was facing a serious water shortage in 2015. The use of agricultural water resources bore the brunt of water restrictions and this makes Huang, who has lived and worked there for many years, have a deeper feeling of life of everything because of the radical change of the lush green lotus field view. The counterattack of nature is a wake-up call to human civilization. ‘The dry and cracked soil look like the earth is protesting,’ said Huang. The withered lotus field gave him quite a shock to the tests of life. Observation and reflection on the living space arise spontaneously in the artist’s mind. He realized that after the falling and death of life, it also nourishes and regenerates the renewed life and this is how life cycles and coexists. This understanding inspired the artist with a wider extensive vision and deeper thoughts about the sense of life, which were truly reflected in his creations.
The artist portrayed the charming vitality of flowers and plants under different light indoors and outdoors from the daily delicate observation. The special use of color showing the Oriental ink-like dark green and the precise capture of Indoor and outdoor color temperature perfectly presented the temperature and stereoscopic 3D vision within the space. In this series, Huang broke through the traditional concept of painting and set out in a living environment to make his artworks more contemporary and literacy.
瑟瑟秋日 Whispers of Autumn
260 x 160 cm
油彩畫布 Oil on Canvas 2017
殘荷入夢2 The Withered Lotus in a Dream II
160cm x 260cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
溫度3 Temperature III
145.5 x 97 cm
油彩畫布 Oil on Canvas 2017
涸·荷 2 Lotus Gone Dry II
33cm x 53cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
瓶中詩 Poetry in the Vase
91cm x 60.5cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
殘荷入夢 3 Lotus Gone Dry III
167 x 139 cm
油彩畫布 Oil on Canvas 2017
溫度 Temperature1
145.5cm x 89.5cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
溫度2 Temperature
145.5cm x 89.5cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
靜待 Waiting in Silence
80cm x 116.5cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017
溫度-寧靜 Temperature-tranquility
145.5 x 97 cm
油彩畫布 Oil on Canvas 2017
涸·荷1 Lotus Gone Dry I
167cm x 139cm
油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 2017