遊 肉 園
The Meaty Land
郭妍瑩 個展 Yen-Ying Kuo Solo Exhibitioin
全景監獄 Panopticon
168 x 107.6 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil Paint / 2023
Kuo, Yen-Ying symbolizes mediocre modern people through the nonsensical character-Meat-meat, and reveals various phenomena of contemporary life with meaty theater. In humorous and romantic poetry, she brings the creative spirit of self-entertainment to the audience. Enticing people to defect from the mundane and see the world with new vision.
In " The Meaty Land ", the characters are surrounded by all kinds of entertainment, and they gradually lose their freedom and independent thinking in the confusion of all kinds of sensuality, and become controlled and monitored like a puppet. On the other hand, they are carrying out adventures beyond self-survival through games, turning entertainment into a power to satisfy human needs and spiritual pursuits. The work "The Meaty Land" presents an attitude of doubting and reflecting on entertainment and consumption in modern society. With the spectacle of meat icons and the theme of amusement parks, it discusses the issues and phenomena between people, capitalism and digital technology in the digital age.
大虛幻 Mega Illusion
120 x 120 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2023
日夜顛島 The Island of Turning Night Into Day
100 x 100 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2023
少女 The Girl
25 x 25 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2021
1/ 繽紛樂系列 Colorful Joy
150 x 100 cm / 尼龍織品 Nylon / 2023
2/ 繽紛樂系列 Colorful Joy
125 x 116 cm / 尼龍織品 Nylon / 2023
123木頭人 One, Two, Three Freeze
157.5 x 90 cm / 油彩、木板 Oil paint on wood /2023

1/ 星結 Star Knots
72.5 x 91 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2022
2/ 微光 Shimmer
53 x 72 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2022
1/ Meat Journey-肉,雨傘,草 Meat, Umbrella, Grass
50 x 50 cm / 油彩、木板 Oil paint on wood / 2023
2/ Meat Journey-肉,潛水艇,海洋 Meat, Submarine, Ocean
40 x 40 cm / 油彩、木板 Oil paint on wood / 2023
3/ Meat Journey-肉,海洋,雲朵 Meat, Sea, Cloud
30 x 30 cm / 油彩、木板 Oil paint on wood / 2023
I Believe
60.5 x 45 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2021
Fly or Fry
50.2 x 35.7 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2022
1/ 迷圖 Loss
70 x 70 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2023
2/ 放風吧!Blowing
40 x 40 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2023
肉的多重宇宙 Multiverse of meat
152 x 119.6 cm / 油彩、畫布 Oil paint on canvas / 2023
郭姸瑩 Yen-Ying Kuo
1996 生於臺南
個展|Solo Exhibition
2023《遊肉園 The Meaty Land》,秋刀魚藝術中心,台北,台灣
2022 《若肉 meetmeat》,原印臺南2F,臺南,臺灣。
聯展|Group Exhibition
2023 Whatz國際當代藝術博覽會,喜來登飯店,台北,臺灣
2023 《輕留》,馥蘭朵烏來度假酒店,台北,臺灣
2022 高雄藝術博覽會,駁二藝術特區 P2、P3 倉庫,高雄,臺灣
2022《溢出的序列– 90後邊陲焦灼的散居者》,秋刀魚藝術中心,台北,臺灣
2022 Whatz國際當代藝術博覽會,喜來登飯店,台北,臺灣
2021 Whaaaaats國際當代藝術博覽會,喜來登飯店,台北,臺灣
2020 ART FUTURE藝術未來 「百寶圖」計畫,富邦國際會議中心,台北,臺灣
2020 高雄藝術博覽會,高雄城市商旅真愛館,高雄,臺灣
2019《拔牙 南大師生聯展》,崇藝術空間,台南,臺灣
2019 高雄藝術博覽會,高雄城市商旅真愛館,高雄,臺灣
2018 高雄藝術博覽會,高雄城市商旅真愛館,高雄,臺灣
2018《(戀+練) x 才 國立臺南大學是學藝術與設計學系碩士班西畫組師生創作實驗展》,榮仁文化藝術基金會,台南,臺灣
2023 Whatz國際當代藝術博覽會「超新星藝術家」
2021 《越矩》文化部藝術銀行 典藏
2020 桃園美展 入選
2023 / 05 / 20 ~ 2023 / 06 / 24
2023 / 05 / 20, 15:00
秋刀魚藝術中心 Fish Art Center(台北市中山區基湖路137號一樓)
開放時間|Open hours
週二至週六 13:00~19:00(週日、一閉館)
電話:+886 2 2532 3800
Facebook, Instagram 搜尋:秋刀魚藝術中心 Fish Art Center