依據字典解釋,圍:布料單位、包捆;繞:依圈子走、糾纏彎曲。 [圍繞] 是一種工作場景,尤其是藝術家的雙手動作;這是藝術家近期發展出特有的創作手法,它結合紡織與雕塑的藝術表現。利用細細的縫紉線,形塑不同材質的舊衣物,創造人形與環形的立體表現。在物件情緒的氛圍中,暗示人類社會與自然環境之間的相互關係。
According to the Chinese dictionary, Revolve means a curved movement with a fixed central point, and Around means a surround with the measure of fabrics. REVOLVE AROUND presents the working moment, especially the wrapping gesture of the artist's hands. It is the unique method of art practice, what connects textile art and sculpture together. The works are wrapping from old garments of different textures by thin sewing threads. To show three-dimensional shapes of figures and rings as the emotional objects, behind the interrelationship between human society and natural environment.
Yen-Yu, Tseng creates artworks from old clothes or waste textile. They stem from a spontaneous and casual practice of deconstruction and re-assemblage. The artworks are created in a process conducted with a rare intuition, giving life and proposing a new sense to things in the world. So artworks also carried out collective and personal stories from materials' history. Experimenting intuitively with shape and form, I create expressive and amorphous pieces. Through wrapping, folding, twisting, rolling or sewing, fabrics blend and take on organic shapes. According to the space and the light in site-situ, an art installation is a best way for the exhibition.
曾嬿圩 Yen-Yu, Tseng
Born in Taiwan in 1984 and currently live in Hsinchu city. Yen-Yu, Tseng creates sculptures, installations and photography by textile. She focus on feeling from people and environment. Her project often involved with textile technique, as a repeating but healing action. Her material also makes people rethink what life-use fabrics or clothes.
Yen-Yu received a BA degree of crafts and art education in 2006, and a MFA degree of textile art in 2015. She interests in different culture, and her artworks are selected in many international textile art biennial exhibitions. They were exhibited in Portugal, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech, United State, Canada, Italy, Uruguay, China, Ukraine and Latvia. She both won two third prizes in 2017: the 10th Valcellina Award in Italy, and the 7th World Textile Art Biennial of the Small Format exhibition.
Her oversea project grants are supported from Taiwan Ministry of Culture, Taipei Government Culture Affairs, National Culture and Arts Foundation, National Taiwan Crafts Research Institute of Taipei Branch. Meanwhile, her articles about abroad textile art events published in two monthly magazines, Artist, and Art Collection And Design
2018 國際紡織藝術論壇,馬克羅斯科藝術中心,陶格夫匹爾斯,拉脫維亞
2016 烏塔韋區國際紡織藝術三年展,月亮雨藝術中心,戶外裝置,魁北克,加拿大獲獎
2017 世界紡織藝術雙年展小型紡織第三名,蒙特維多,烏拉圭
2018 馬克羅斯科藝術中心,陶格夫匹爾斯,拉脫維亞
2017 蒙特維多市政府,蒙特維多,烏拉圭
2018 紡織藝術傳承節,基耶里,義大利
2017 並行,北京國際首飾藝術展,北京國際設計週,北京,中國
2016 高雄美術獎展覽,複合媒材類入選,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣
2015 冠冕上的珍珠-國際當代工藝新銳展,工藝研究中心,南投,臺灣
2014 心工藝˙新生活,行政院藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2015 國立臺南藝術大學 應用藝術研究所 藝術碩士
2006 國立花蓮教育大學 美勞教育學系 藝術學士