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【塗 • 勞 時代 Drawing as Labor】大內藝術節 Taipei Art District Festival 2017


文/ 策展人 傅遠政

由政治禁錮解放後,30年的時光積累了台灣當代藝術的新風貌,藝術是甚麼?或者藝術可以是甚麼?藝術的價值,在藝術工作者理念與實踐、草圖與作品間,逐漸浮出輪廓,反身望著過去的路,我們是否可以透過作品重新面對、演繹歷史呢?藝術工作者在面對歷史、社會,進一步的實踐又是甚麼?藝術的價值在問號與思考間的縫隙浮現,命題的意義不在給予解答,而是引出另一條線索。秋刀魚藝術中心,以「塗˙勞 時代」試圖展現創作者對於歷史、社會、物件的再書寫,並以不同的創作語彙及議題,透過勞作、勞動般的表現方式實踐於作品之中。
以身體衝撞社會實踐、以手感參與藝術實踐,「塗˙勞 時代」以藝術工作者在物件、手繪、塗抹、勞作中,透過不同的媒材形塑新的言說體系;當下即是歷史,創作者產出的作品由曾經發生的時間軸開展,回應著已然發生的過去,進而在個人的藝術語彙、敘事與反敘事之間,說著新的故事。

Drawing as Labor - Contemporary Art Exhibition|2017 Taipei Art District Festival

Artists:LIU Leo, HUANG Ming-Chun, CHIN Cheng-Te, CHENG Yu-Hsiang, TSAI Shih-Hong, YANG Tzu-Chin

30 years x 365 days=10,650
The events happened in history were all deposited with time flows. We pickup and piece up the stories when facing the sequent but divisive timeline, and once again draw them into a future history by handmade warmth.

30 years after the lifting of martial law, the contemporary art in Taiwan has accumulated a new feature. What is art? Or what art can be? The value of art gradually emerges the outline from the artist’s concept and practice, drafts and artworks. But if we look back to see the works, can we face and interpret the history from the start point? And what will be the artists’ next step when confronting the history and society?

The exhibition titled “Drawing as Labor” indicates the creators set off again from history, society and objects, in different art languages and issues, through ways of manual labor and hard work—to collide with social operations with body, to take part in the art accomplishment with hand touch. Through the objects, hand drawing, painting and labor, different materials form new expression systems. The present is history. The artworks by the artists are developed from the past timeline, responding to the happenings, and then tell new stories in personal art words, between narratives and counter-narratives.