A tree protects?
Trees can shelter from wind and rain,
a withered tree,
still play a protective role?

關於林佑森 LAM Yau Sum
林佑森於2010年修畢澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術系,同年獲得藝術公社《出爐2010》「傑出藝術新秀獎」。作品曾展示於多個本地、海外展覽及藝術展,包括香港巴塞爾藝術展、台北國際藝術博覽會、典亞藝博、水墨藝博、邁阿密亞洲藝術博覽會等,作品廣受私人收藏家及機構歡迎,部分藝術品更被香港藝術館、泰國當代藝術博物館、希臘Copelouzos Family博物館珍藏。其系列作品「圓」、「樹塔」、「鐵樹」於2015參與CHINA 8,於德國哈根奧斯特豪斯博物館(Osthaus Museum Hagen)展出。
LAM Yau-sum was born in China. He graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University with a degree in Fine Art in 2010. He has joined numerous exhibitions in both Hong Kong and overseas, and has exhibited in various art fairs such as Art Basel Hong Kong, Art Taipei, Art Asia Miami and Fine Art Asia and Ink Asia. His works have gained recognition in the contemporary art scene, also are widely welcomed and collected by private collectors, corporate and Art Museum, such as Hong Kong Museum of Art, MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum and the Greece Copelouzos Family Art Museum.
He was awarded New Trend Award of the New Trend, Hong Kong in 2010. His serial works Yuan, Tree Tower and Metal Tree have been selected to participate in CHINA8 – Zeitgenössische Kunst aus China an Rhein und Ruhr and exhibited at Osthaus Museum Hagen, Germany.
Electronic products, copper water pipe and wire are manufactured and distributed in the city using the modern industrial products. They become electronic waste disposed in the city once their original function is lost. I collected and paint on those discarded abandoned products and the waste materials are transformed into a series of a new cityscape. The recent sculptures using ready-mades further investigate the mutating city habitats.
典 藏
2019 香港藝術館,收藏三件,香港
2018 希臘 Copelouzos Family 博物館,希臘
2017 泰國清邁當代藝術博物館,清邁,泰國
獎 項
2010 出爐2010 新人獎 - 藝術公社,香港
教 育
2010 藝術文學士學位 - 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學
2007 藝術文憑 - 香港藝術學院
個 展
2020 露の花 — 林佑森創作個展,秋刀魚藝術中心,臺北,台灣
2017 瞳‧ 綠 2.0,嘉圖畫廊,香港
銅樹生花— 林佑森2017創作個展,秋刀魚藝術中心,臺北,台灣
2016 林佑森作品展 — 台北國際藝術博覽會2016,台北世界貿易中心一館,臺北,台灣
2015 瞳‧ 綠,嘉圖畫廊,香港
2013 山水融城,嘉圖畫廊,香港
2012 屏景,Gallery Livi Gallery,香港
聯 展
2021 Art Tainan 台南藝術博覽會,香格里拉台南遠東國際大飯店,台南,台灣
2019 若水.未墨,大觀藝術空間,臺北,台灣
香港癌症基金慈善拍賣 — 典亞藝博2019,香港會議展覽中心,香港
Sculptural Dimensions III,嘉圖畫廊,香港
2018 Forgotten Garden,嘉圖畫廊,香港
雕塑當代 — 典亞藝博2018,香港會議展覽中心,香港
2017 靜聽深度 — 香港藝術學院Alumni Network,香港藝術中心包氏畫廊,香港
香港癌症基金會30周年慈善畫展 — 水墨藝博2017,香港會議展覽中心,香港
NEXT+ — 新藝潮博覽會2017 PMQ,元創方,香港
以身為度:尋訪城市裡的雕塑2017 - 台中藝術博覽會,台中日月千禧酒店,台中
第二天性:一個屬於你的當代藝術展,chi art space,香港
2016 水墨藝博2016,香港會議展覽中心,香港
2016 微觀· 變革雕塑展,香港
Art Next 2017 — NEXT+
2019 Hong Kong Museum of Art
2018 Copelouzos Family Art Museum
2017 MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum
2010 New Trend Award, New Trend 2010, Artist Commune
2010 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT University)
2007 Diploma in Fine Art, The Hong Kong Art School
2020 Dewflower — Lam Yau-Sum Solo Exhibition, Fish Art Center Gallery, Taipei
Floating Mountains, Hong Kong
2017 Visible Green 2.0, Grotto Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
Socket Tree in Flower , Fish Art Center Gallery, Taipei
2016 LAM YAU-SUM SOLO EXHIBITION Art Taipei 2016, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
2015 Visible Green, Grotto Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
2013 CityScape, Grotto Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
2012 Transparent Sceneries by LAM Yau-sum, Gallery Livi Gallery, Hong Kong
2019 transINK, Daguan Gallery, Taipei
INK ASIA 2019, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Cancer Fund Charity Auction — Fine Art Asia 2019, Convention and Exhibition Centre, HK
Sculptural Dimensions III, Grotto Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2019, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2018 Forgotten Garden, Grotto Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
INK ASIA 2018, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Sculpture Contemporary 2018 — Fine Art Asia 2018, Convention and Exhibition Centre, HK
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2018, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
2017 Deep Silence, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Cancer Fund 30th Anniversary Charity Auction - Ink Asia 2017, Hong Kong
ART TAIPEI 2017, Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan
Amusing Sculpture Asia, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Fine Art Asia 2017, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Perceptual Dimensions : Sculptures in the City - ART TAICHUNG 2017, Taichung
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2017, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Second Nature - A Contemporary Art Exhibition of Your Own, chi art space, Hong Kong
‘mʌlti, One East Asia Gallery, Singapore
2016 INK ASIA 2016, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Microcosm. Reformation. Sculpture Exhibition, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial 2016, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Fine Art Asia 2016, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Chong Gene Hang College 45th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Cancer Fund - Affordable Art Fair, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2016, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong